The ADiM Advanced Laboratory on European Union Legislation (EU LAB) – Second meeting

The ADiM Advanced Laboratory on European Union Legislation (EU LAB)

Second meeting: University of Bologna – 12 July 2019


Towards the second meeting (12 July 2019)

Following the Kick-off Meeting at the University of Florence last 15 May 2019, the second meeting of the ADiM Advanced Laboratory on European Union Legislation (EU Lab) will be held at the University of Bologna on 12 July 2019.

More than 20 ADiM members have already joined the EU Lab and we look forward to new members!

The Lab is open to the participation of ADiM members who have an expertise on one of the following EU legislative dossiers/areas:

  1. Return directive;
  2. Asylum “package” (Dublin system, asylum procedure, qualification, reception conditions, Eurodac,EU asylum agency, EU resettlement framework);
  • Visa and border control in the Schengen area.


ADiM members are invited to submit their manifestation of interest and a short bio or a list of relevant publication to the ADiM Secretariat no later than 1 July.


What is the EU Lab?

The EU Lab is a permanent group of analysis, debate and evaluation of European legislative measures proposed or adopted under Title V of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It is aimed at building up a network of scholars and experts, bound by their engagement in contributing to the legislative processes of the European Union with academic expertise and scientific approach, and motivated at assessing the implications of EU measures into society.


Which are the EU Lab’s goals?

The EU Lab will produce and disseminate legal reports, strategic analysis and pre-assessment results on EU legislation in the field of migration and asylum with the aim to promote a sound and accurate debate on European legislation. The outcomes of the EU Lab’s activity will be brought to the attention of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and other decision-makers via seminars, workshops and informal meeting, with a view to enhance the awareness of the legal implications of proposed legislative measures and amendments and possibly influence the outcomes of the legislative debate.


How does the EU Lab work?

The Members of the EU Lab, alongside other invited participants (ADiM Members, Representatives of national and European Institutions), will gather in different venues: Florence, Bologna and Brussels. The meetings will be held on a regular basis (every 2 or 3 months) with a view to identify key areas of analysis, discuss reports, organise dissemination and outreach activities.

The working languages are Italian and English.


ADiM Secretariat
Academy of Law and Migration

University of Tuscia (Viterbo)

Department of Linguistics and Literary, Historical,

Philosophical and Legal Studies (DISTU)

Via San Carlo, 32 – 01100 Viterbo


Phone: +39 0761357879


Start Time


12 Luglio 2019

Finish Time


12 Luglio 2019


University of Bologna